You are currently viewing Ep. 24 X-Men Mutants

Ep. 24 X-Men Mutants

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As any comic fan will tell you, the easiest way to get superpowers is to be born with them.  This is true for most of the X-Men.  But what if you weren’t born with powers, but still want to save the world?  You may be in luck.  In this week’s episode, The Brain Trust breaks down genetic mutations that will give you the greatest edge when facing off against your superpowered opponents, and tell you how to insert them into your DNA.   We will have you fighting crime in no time!

Link to X-Men Mutants

Real Life Examples

Gut Bacteria Helps Boost Athletic Performance

DIY Mutant Frogs

The Man Who Can’t Feel Pain

Super Powered DNA Worth Billions

CRISPR Explained on YouTube

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