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Ep. 178 Surviving The Megalodon

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The shark is the ultimate killing machine.  It does three things:  swim, eat, reproduce.  It has a conveyor belt of teeth which basically makes it a large, living, underwater chainsaw.  The only thing that would make it deadlier is to make it bigger.  Enter the Megalodon, which was just like out great white sharks, except three times larger.  I used the past tense, but it has been scientifically proven that there is a chance they are still alive and patrolling the deepest parts of our ocean.  This week we explore the depths and teach you how to survive a Megalodon encounter.

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FGGGbT Ep. on Journey to the Center of the Earth
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Articles We Discussed
Kangaroo Rat Found
Megalodon Facts
Jules Undersea Lodge
The Mariana Trench
Taco Bell Meat

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