Every human on this planet has two things in common: We are all going to die one day. This goes hand in hand with our other common trait: We don’t want to. Surviving as long as possible is built right into our DNA. Billionaires all over the world are pouring money into life extension technologies, which given our current world population, is just not a sustainable solution. What if we could digitize your consciousness, and upload it to a digital server, where you would live forever in digital form? This may be a much more Eco-friendly way to achieve immortality. This week we explore that topic, as well as several others, including worm-powered Legos, falling in love with a chatbot, and Dennin’s secret pyromania.

Ep. 102 Spending Eternity in a Digital Afterlife
Tags: chatbots, Cryopreservation, digital Afterlife, digital brain, Living Forever, pyromania, Upload