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Ep. 187 At What Temperature Does Hell Freeze Over?

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“When Hell Freezes Over” is a common saying, but what does it even mean? Sure religious doctrine would have you believe that Hell is a place of fire and brimstone, full of lakes of lava, overcooked burritos, nuclear meltdowns, and other really hot stuff. But we also talk about the chill of the grave, and the cold touch of death. So which is it? Ghosts seem to straddle both worlds. Well this week we once again revisit the Ghostbusters series, complete with an entity that freezes everything it touches. Is there a connection to Absolute Zero, where all motion stops, and all life ends?  Does brass have ghost-busting powers, or is it only good for musical instruments?  Does Daniel figure out how to make his iron skillet work?  Listen to find out the answers to these questions and many more!

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