Westworld is marketed as a place where you can be anyone, do anything. It is a wild west themed amusement park that is populated by robots called “hosts”. You can help them, kill them, fornicate with them, or just watch them go about their day. Both the show and the park are so complex that we have dedicated three episodes to the technology.
The Park
A sprawling desert, Westworld has thousands of robotic inhabitants for you to interact with. How do they manage a park of this size? How can they ensure your safety? How do they keep the other parks separate? The Brain Trust answers these questions, and so many more.
AI & Consciousness
One of the most intriguing, albeit terrifying aspects of Westworld is how some of the host become self-aware. Like Skynet before them, these intelligent robots are focused on destroying humanity. Is it actually possible for AI to evolve into a real consciousness, and if so, are there safeguards we can put into place to avoid extinction? To answer this question we examine the three laws of robotics, the sex robot revolution, chaos theory, and of course D&D stats.
Season 3
Here we have our first glimpse of the future, and it consists of quadcopters, riot robots, and psychedelic drugs that turn reality into a genre film. Running this world is an incredible AI, which has turned human behavior into an algorithm. The Brain Trust will attempt to explain all of these innovations, while including a little Greek Mythology for good measure.