The Expanse


In the world of The Expanse, one’s relationship with gravity is really separates people in the future.  Are you a 1G person, and therefore from Earth, or are you a Belter who grew up in very low gravity?  What is the biological effect of this force?  How can we make artificial gravity?  What is that weird S-Shaped lasagna pan that Alex is always using?  The Brain Trust answers all of these questions!


In the realm of science fiction, nothing is more multi-faceted than the Protomolecule from The Expanse.  Is an invasive species, a construction team, and a warp gate all rolled into one.  A true Swiss army knife of Sci-Fi.  The Brain Trust got together to explain this complicated and wondrous particle, and managed to come up with a Unified Theory of Protomolecule.

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Real Life Examples