If You Could Go Back In Time, Would You Want To Meet Yourself?

We have done a LOT about the science of time travel, but what about the ramifications of time travel? We all know about the grandfather paradox, but what about the puberty paradox? That states that you shouldn’t go back and visit yourself as a kid for fear of altering your life course forever. Well in this episode inspired by The Adam Project, we debate whether or not that is a good idea, and about the different perspective you might get. Would you even like yourself as a kid? Could you accidentally destroy their life? Have you already visited yourself and just forgot? These are all possibilities we explore. We also discuss Roswell, unstable time loops, and how every painful experience we live through molds us into the person we are today. Whether or not that is a good thing is up for discussion!

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Real Life Examples

Flying Frogs

The NES Power Glove