You are currently viewing Ep. 177 Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory

Ep. 177 Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory

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For any kid, the prospect of touring a magical chocolate factory is a dream come true, especially one whose secrets have been hidden for decades.  If you are one of the lucky few with a Golden Ticket, your life will never be the same.  See, Willy Wonka is not a run of the mill chocolatier:  He is a magician who can make anything you can imagine out of a few cocoa beans.  This week we finally get around to touring this factory, and talk about all of the wondrous contents.  We discuss how to construct a completely edible forest, getting a full three course meal into a stick of gum, Ben’s career as a glass blower, and finally, we calculate the odds of finding a Golden Ticket so YOU can someday own your own magical chocolate factory.

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