It is highly likely that this Holiday season you will see some iteration of the classic Charles Dickens tale “A Christmas Carol”. I would imagine apart from Hamlet, this is the most performed story in human history. While the narrative is always basically the same, the twists that make it unique to the time are also the things that prove it is a timeless tale of Scrooge’s redemption, and proof that anyone can change their world for the better. At least, this is what most people see when they watch it. In this episode, we are going to put forth another theory entirely: What if Tiny Tim was so vital to the future that he had to be saved, and Scrooge was the only man with the means to save him? Maybe the “Spirits” of Christmas past/present/future are actually time travelers sent back to change this crucial moment in time. But to what end? This is the theory we are going to unpack in this episode. We are also going to talk about Scrooge’s connection to The Grinch, how this story proves there is a multiverse, and why there isn’t a Dr. Timothy Cratchit that we know of.