In just the past 100 years, we have seen an exponential growth in our technological abilities. We have instantaneous communication across the world, weapons that can annihilate whole countries, and we can customize our genetics at birth. Using the Marvel movie Shang Chi as our inspiration, we ponder the question: “Could you take over all of human antiquity using only one piece of modern technology?” It is a tough one. Do you go with shock and awe to scare the world into subservience, or do you go peaceful and inspire the world to follow you? We cover all the angles on this one. We also discuss immortality bracelets, Lucha Libre wrestling, Lord of the Rings, Jafar, and Chinese Mythology.

Ep. 109 Conquering The Past w/ Technology from the Future
Tags: Immortality, Lord of the Rings, Lucha Libre, Marvel, Mythological Creatures, Shang Chi, Ten Rings