The world of Doctor Who spans 39 non-consecutive seasons, several movies, and the obligatory spin-offs. This means there is a TON of material on the last Timelord, so we had to do a 4 part series to cover everything. In this first episode, we take a look at the time-traveling TARDIS, The Doctor’s faithful companion. We talk about its defining characteristic: How it can be so much bigger on the inside. We also discuss how a TARDIS is a living being that has a soul, is grown not built, and how it has such a low-tech security system, despite being so complex.
Mythological Creatures
Doctor Who is a show based in logic, science, and reason. Oh and also strange alien monsters. One of the fun things the show does is take creatures we are familiar with through myth and legend and give them entirely new histories. In this episode we will look at three of these creatures including Vampires, Werewolves, and Satan. While appearing on the surface to be something you recognize, you will also find them to be something different entirely.
The Enemies of Doctor Who
It is true that every hero has their share of villains they must contend with. Superman has Lex Luthor, Spider-man has Doc Ock, Batman has The Joker, and Doctor Who has The Daleks. While the Daleks might be the most scary with their catchphrase of “Exterminate”, the Cybermen are also terrifying with their threats of deletion, and the Weeping Angels are silent assassins that move when you look away. This week we discuss the powers of The Doctor’s Rogues Gallery, how they are defeated, and which is the most dangerous of all.
The Power of the Time Lords
The world of Doctor Who obviously revolves around the eponymous main character, but what does it take to save the universe over, and over, and over? How hard is that job really, and in the end, would you want it? That is the ultimate question we have had over our series, and one we answer in this episode. To come to a proper conclusion, we have to look at all of the advantages The Doctor has at his disposal that tip the scales in his favor. We already looked at the TARDIS, so here we turn our attention to his array of gadgets, including his sonic screwdriver, his psychic paper, and his strange alien biology. Does having two hearts help, or hinder? What is triple helix DNA anyway? All that and more will be discussed in this thrilling conclusion!