Black Mirror

Beyond The Sea

Current transportation technology is soooo slow.  Sure you can get to another continent in an airplane, but it takes hours.  What if you could instantly send your mind into a replica body anywhere in the world?  How about into space?  Well that is exactly what we talk about on today’s episode, using the Black Mirror episode “Beyond The Sea” as the template.  We discuss remote viewing, human-like replacement bodies, bio-sod, the Terminator, and the ramifications of sending your mind into your friends body.

Joan Is Awful

Are you sick of relying on word of mouth, or better yet an algorithm, to find TV shows you like?  Wouldn’t it just be better if an AI-powered quantum computer just instantly made shows perfectly catered to your taste?  Or better yet, you could just plug your brain into your TV and have the computer scan your neurons directly for your preferences.  While this certainly seems like a utopia, there is an off-chance that you and your life could be entertainment fodder for someone else.  Your phone, TV, and brain scans are all monitoring your every thought and movement, so it is just a small leap to think that your life could be the basis for a hit show for someone else.  This week we prepare you for this inevitable eventuality that you will secretly become the star of your own TV show.

Watch the show on YouTube:

Real Life Examples