You are currently viewing Ep. 184 Living in an Irradiated World

Ep. 184 Living in an Irradiated World

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We’ve discussed how to build your own underground bunker, but what if you let a company like Vault-Tek do that for you?  In the world of Fallout, Vault-Tek is not the most trustworthy company.  They blew up the entire world to eliminate their competition!  While I do respect their hustle, it does leave the world in an irradiated mess.  So in three hundred years when you are coming out of your vault, how do you deal with all the radiation?  Is that just a part of your daily life?  And why are all the insects so big?  Strap on your Pip-Boy, and get ready to discuss everything you need to know to become a productive member of the new radioactive society.

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Chernobyl’s Impact on Wildlife
Cancer Resistant Wolves
Radiation Resistant Worms

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